WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Audit Committee Meeting 26 August 2005 Paper 3 CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY FOR DECISION Title: 2004/05 ACCOUNTS AND STATEMENT OF INTERNAL CONTROL Prepared by: DAVID CAMERON, HEAD OF CORPORATE SERVICES Purpose To present draft accounts for 2004/05 and to seek the Committee’s approval for the draft Statement of Internal Control set out in the accounts. Recommendations The Committee is requested to: 1. Approve the draft Statement of Internal Control set out in the accounts for 2004/05; 2. Note the draft accounts for 2004/05; 3. Note that the timetable for issue of certified accounts for 2004/05 remains within the previously agreed target for completion, of end of October 2005. Executive Summary Draft accounts for the year ended 31 March 2005 have been prepared. External audit review of the accounts is also nearing completion and the process remains on target to meet the agreed, earlier deadline for issue of certified accounts by the end of October. As part of the process, the Audit Committee is required to approve the draft Statement of Internal Control included in the accounts in light of their experience of internal and external auditors’ reports, and of reports from the Authority’s management, brought to the Committee over the course of the year. 2004/05 ACCOUNTS AND STATEMENT OF INTERNAL CONTROL Background 1. At its meeting in December 2004, the Audit Committee considered the External Auditor’s Management Report on the audit of the accounts for 2003/04. One of two actions set out in that report was to bring forward the timetable for future years’ accounts closure, to allow completion of the external audit and submission of audited financial statements by the end of October. 2. Accordingly, draft financial statements for 2004/05 were prepared in the Spring and initial fieldwork by Audit Scotland was undertaken in the week commencing 13 June. Final fieldwork on the accounts is to be undertaken during the week of 15 August. 3. The current draft of the Authority’s accounts for 2004/05 is appended to this paper. Members of the Committee are asked to note that figures set out in the Appendix are subject to change following the final external audit fieldwork. 4. The Authority’s officers have also taken the opportunity of this follow up fieldwork to put forward additional potential expenditure accruals to be built into the figures for 2004/05. These have arisen from invoices for work undertaken in 2004/05 which were not submitted to the authority until after the original external audit review of the accounts had been undertaken in June, and hence had not been built into the original accruals figure. Statement of Internal Control 5. Prior to finalising the external audit of the Authority’s accounts for the year ended 31 March 2005, there is a requirement for the Committee to approve an Internal Control statement which forms part of the foreword to the financial reports for the year. A draft internal control statement is set out on page 7 of the Appendix. 6. The Committee is requested to approve the Statement of Internal Control set out in the draft accounts for 2004/05. Future Action 7. A verbal update of any matters arising from the external auditors’ fieldwork in August will be given to the Committee at its meeting. 8. It is intended that the accounts will be signed by the Chief Executive and forwarded to Audit Scotland for inclusion of their audit certificate by 9 September. Certified accounts will be made available to the Sponsor Department and Auditor General by 30 September. David Cameron August 2005 davidcameron@cairngorms.co.uk